Item Flow

The item flow describes how item groups and items are purchased and distributed in the store network.

There are 3 main scenarios:

  • Vendor to Store
  • Vendor to Warehouse, Warehouse to Store
    (with and without Cross Docking)
  • Store to Store.


The goals of this step:

  • Get a detailed understanding of the retailer's item-flow approach
  • Identify different item-flows for different product groups
  • Create an item-flow drawing
  • Select the right item-flow strategies in LS Central.

Key questions / considerations

  • Are all items purchased through the warehouses?
  • Is Cross Docking used for the purchase and transfer process?
  • Are product groups or items purchased to the stores directly?
    • Which product groups or items?
    • For which stores?
  • Are items redistributed between the stores?
    • Which product groups or items?
    • For which stores?


Item-Flow drawing (see example here):

(Click to enlarge)

LS Central setup considerations

Covered in the detail sections.

Scenarios See
Vendor to Store Vendor to Store
Vendor to Warehouse, Warehouse to Store Vendor to Warehouse to Store
Store to Store Store to Store

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